123Dental Post-Op Instructions
Your care doesn’t end when you leave the chair! We take your concerns seriously and are happy to answer any questions, at any time call us 416-977-0123.
For after-hour emergencies, please contact 416 485 7121.
Please open and read the following instructions relating to your procedure. If at any time you have any questions or concerns about anything following your procedure or treatment, please contact us.
Avoid all dairy and milk products for 72 hours after surgery.
Please use an antibacterial rinse as prescribed. (Please note the mouth rinse may stain your teeth but the stain is completely reversible).
Numbness of your lip, tongue or palate may persist for several hours. Do not chew gum, eat, drink hot liquids or smoke until the anesthetic has worn off to prevent injury from accidentally biting or burning oneself.
Soreness may occur at the tooth, the surrounding gum, the injection sites or the jaw joint. If these occur, apply moist heat to the affected area and take an analgesic/anti-inflammatory, such as ibuprofen or similar product (if medically able to do so).
When a temporary restoration made out of acrylic or thin plastic has been placed on your tooth, avoid sticky or crunchy foods to avoid loosening or fracturing this restoration. ...
Do not wear your dentures at night. This allows gum tissues to rest and promotes oral health.
Dentures are very delicate and may break if dropped even a few inches. Stand over a folded towel or a basin of water when handling dentures. When you are not wearing them, store your dentures away from children and pets.
Like natural teeth, dentures must be brushed daily to remove food deposits and plaque. Brushing helps prevent dentures from becoming permanently stained and helps your mouth stay healthy. It is best to use a brush designed for cleaning dentures. A toothbrush with soft bristles can also be used. Avoid using hard-bristled brushes that can damage dentures...
The instructions below are meant to guide you through the next few days after the surgical procedure. They cover the most common issues and experiences that arise...
Brush and floss.
Half fill indicated tooth forms with gel. REMEMBER: if you have smaller teeth, use half this amount.
Insert tray and wipe excess bleach with gauze....
Numbness of your lip, tongue or palate may persist for several hours. Do not chew gum, eat, drink hot liquids or smoke until the anesthetic has worn off to prevent injury from accidentally biting or burning oneself.
Soreness may occur at the tooth, the surrounding gum, the injection sites or the jaw joint. If these occur, apply moist heat to the affected area and take an analgesic/anti-inflammatory, such as ibuprofen or similar product (if medically able to do so)
When a temporary restoration made out of thin plastic has been placed on your tooth, avoid sticky or crunchy foods to avoid loosening or fracturing this restoration...
When the final restoration has been placed, brush and floss accordingly as instructed. Do not chew on ice cubes or other hard objects or continue deleterious habits, such as biting on popsicle sticks, pens etc.
If the bite feels unusual, please call to have it checked.
The implant restoration is secured with screws. If at any point anything feels loose, please contact our office immediately for assessment...
Do not remove the denture until the morning following the surgery. This will prevent the extraction sites from swelling.
Do not rinse today. Avoid extremely hot foods or liquids.
Remove the denture the morning following surgery and brush the inside and outside teeth as usual, but do not attempt to brush near the treated area. You may gently swab the area with a cotton tip applicator moistened in Listerine. Re-insert the denture immediately after cleaning...
Scaling and root planning is designed to thoroughly clean and smooth the root surfaces of your teeth. Please observe the following precautions:...